Sunday, October 30, 2011

Robots - Blog #5

I had the great pleasure of attending the Southeast Texas B.E.S.T. Robotics competition at Sam Houston State University this weekend. B.E.S.T. stands for "Boosting Engineering Science and Technology". I didn't just get to attend. In addition to witnessing the robots in action, I was scheduled to judge the Marketing Presentation portion of the day.

This year's theme was BUGS! The robots had to retrieve genetically altered insects that had escaped from their laboratory. The 'bot pictured to the right came from a MIDDLE school. 11-year-olds worked on this! They dominated the competition.

What impressed me the most was how well-rounded the competition requirements were. Students are presented with a challenge and a box of materials. Then they are given 6 weeks to design and build a robot that will complete the assigned challenge. Teams must keep a project notebook, develop a marketing presentation, construct a display booth, and last but not least, create a functioning robot to compete head-to-head with other teams.

The requirements of the marketing presentation included brainstorming, professionalism, creativity, publicity efforts in their school and community, team-building, and diversity. I was so impressed by even what first-year competitors had accomplished. Small schools with little support advanced to the final rounds through sheer determination to learn, grow, and compete.

Robotics programs teach problem-solving, teamwork, determination, sportsmanship, professionalism, and so much more. It's not just for the advanced G/T students. Everyone can get involved. The most successful teams had broken their members into departments such as Research, Design, Construction, and Publicity, playing to each of their members' strengths and challenging them to push themselves.

The National BEST website (2011) lists their vision and mission statements:
Our Vision
To excite our nation's students about engineering, science and technology to unlock their imagination and discover their potential
Our Mission
To inspire students to pursue careers in engineering, science, technology, and math through participation in a sports-like science- and engineering-based robotics competition

Below is a video produced by BEST. I think it does a great job showing what a program like this can do for our students today.

Find more information about getting your students involved on the BEST website above.
If you happen to be in Southeast Texas, you can find regional information here.

BESTRobotics, Inc. (2011, October 30). Best robotics, inc. boosting engineering science and technology. Retrieved from

Faq - set best. (2011, October 30). Retrieved from

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sticky Keys

Have you ever absentmindedly tapped on your shift key, only to get a message saying that you have activated "Sticky Keys"? The first time it happened to me, I was sure I'd done some irreparable damage to my parents' Gateway desktop. What ever happened to Gateway? It feels like forever since I've seen one of those cow-spotted boxes...

Most personal computers today come equipped with accessibility features that most of us know little about. Sticky Keys are meant for individuals who have difficulty pressing more than one key at a time. It treats a sequence of modifier keys as a key combination. Shift, Control, Alt, Fn, and Command are just a few examples of modifier keys.

Last year, there was an 8th grade student in my classroom who was paralyzed from the waist down and had limited mobility between his waist and shoulders. He used an electric wheelchair and could not hold a pen or pencil. In class, he used a laptop and typed with his knuckle, one key at a time.

Don't be fooled. This kid was sharp. Originally from Spain, he spent most of his time at home on the internet or watching the Spanish. He knew more about current events than I did, for sure. He loved technology, and how the world was open to him in spite of his disability. He had the highest scores in the entire eighth grade on the state assessment, while still classified as Special Ed and LEP (Limited English Proficient).

But he hated being different.

His disability was caused by a mistake in a surgery only a few years ago, so he was still adjusting to his new situation. Anytime the teacher's aide brought out his laptop, he wanted nothing to do with it, unless all the other students were working on computers.

On the days we could convince him to use his assistive technologies (especially when the whole class was typing or doing research), he was a pro. I got to see Sticky Keys used to their full potential.

What kind of assistive technologies have you seen utilized? Can more technology intergration across the board increase student engagement and achievement? Years and years of research report mixed results. It seems to be more about HOW you use the tool rather than WHICH tools you use. Daniel Light researches how technology impacts classroom culture and teacher-student interaction. Check out his article on how to Do Web 2.0 Right.

Light, D. (2011). Do web 2.0 right . Learning & Leading with Technology, 38(5), 10-12, 14-15. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2011, October 21). Modifier key. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 9, 2011


If you haven't been introduced to Xtranormal, let me be the one to introduce you to the greatness the way I first experienced it at the Meeting the Needs of All Learners Annual Conference.

All teachers can probably relate. I appreciate that an educator is using technology to educate AND express his/her feelings. Technology integration is not just a chore, it can be an outlet, as well.

Another one of my favorites:

Joe Huber offers a comparison of a few different animation creators for the classroom, Xtranormal included. The completely web-based applications do not require extra software download and step-by-step instructions and helpful templates are included.

Many teachers fear that integrating new technologies will add too much to their already limited preparation time. With professional development, hopefully more teachers can see areas where technology can alleviate time constraints, instead of aggravating them.

These animation creator applications can be utilized by students for projects. An autism center in the Houston area is using Xtranormal to allow students to create presentations on social norms such as "Making New Friends" (Mallory, 2011).

What do you think about all the possible uses for these animation creators in education?
  • Presenting new lesson content
  • Student project presentations
  • Professional development
  • Staff communication
What other uses do you see for these kinds of web2.0 applications?

Huber, J. (2011, September 27). Animation creators for the classroom. Retrieved from

Mallory, B. (2011, October 8). Interview by R.M. [Personal Interview]. Xtranormal and autism.